Friends of Eaton Park – key partners

Norwich City Council | Norwich Norse Environmental Ltd

Partners and funders

Active Norfolk – joint-funded this website and the way-marked running route
BBC Breathing Places – funded a Norfolk Wildlife Trust report into park biodiversity
Butterfly Conservation (Norfolk Branch) – hold an annual Big Butterfly Count in Eaton Park
East of England Cooperative – funded a new bench, bird boxes, tools etc (2015)
East of England Orchard and Apples Project – advice and supply of fruit trees
Eaton Park Café – regular support and help with events
Good Gym – regular visits to help out in the park
John Lewis – fruit trees to start an orchard and two sets of boules
Norfolk Wildlife Trust on-going advice and support
Norfolk Community Foundation – joint-funded this website + a waymarked running route (2016)
Norwich Fringe – work alongside us on wildlife and conservation
RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) – funded Eaton Park Cafe’s Herb Beds (2018)
Sport England – joint-funded Eaton Park’s Petanque Terrain (2018)
TCV (The Conservation Volunteers, Norfolk) – work alongside of us on wildlife and conservation
Thorns DIY – generous discounts on gardening purchases
Waitrose Norwich – customer donations (2009, 2017, 2022) 1507 summer scene


Launched in July 2015, this website was planned, written and developed by Helen Mitchell and built by Starfish Design. The visual identity was created by Darren Leader Studio. It is managed by Helen Mitchell and Bev Hart.


The photographs on this site are by members of the Friends or have been shared with us on Facebook or Twitter. Thank you all!

Tom Albrighton, Stuart Beard, Caspar Evans, Raymond Hall, John King, Helen Mitchell, Pasco-Q Kevlin, Christine Wilson. Special thanks to photographer Simon Roberts for permission to use photos taken for an article in The Guardian in 2016.

Thanks also to Jonathan Plunkett, Norfolk Record Office, Norwich City Council and Picture Norfolk for permission to use archive photographs of Eaton Park.