South Park Avenue, Norwich, NR4 7AZ

Eaton Park Community Centre was set up by and is still run by local people – all of them volunteers. The popular centre is beautifully run and cared for. It hosts meetings, parties, sports and cultural activities for all ages and all sections of the community.

Hiring update
The Community Centre has some regular hire slots still available for weekly/fortnightly and monthly activities.

Weekend availability is very limited, mornings on 4th Saturday each month or anytime on 5th Saturday.  On Sundays the centre is available for hire from 4.30 pm onwards.

Community Centre User Groups

Age UK Norwich, Age UK run two regular activites:

– A Walk in the Park: a sociable get together and gentle exercise for older people, people with dementia, friends and carers, with refreshments. Every second Wednesday, April to November, 1.30, meet at the community centre. Please contact Age UK to book, 01603 496333, or email

– Classic films: monthly on the second Wednesday every month, 2pm. £2 to attend, no need to book.

Autism support group Saturdays Ros Borders 01603 620500

City of Norwich Athletic club Mondays

Baby Being Massage Tuesdays Holly Neal

Eaton Park Community Cycling Club, Saturdays

Eaton Park Pitch and Putt, Margaret Gibson, 01603 867575

Fireworks and Fossils preschool science activities  4th Saturday

Friends of Eaton Park,,

German Club for kids – Wednesdays

Homeopathy second Monday of the month.  Bruni Hall 07914 245 359

Kung Fu, Ryan Moyce, (UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Instructor) 07886 074504,

Line dancing    Wednesdays            Janet Harradine

Midwives Home Birth Meetings 4th Saturday Vicky Hastings.

Mini-Monkey Gym, Weekdays Penny Holbrook, 07917 872205,

Move it or Lose it fitness Mondays

Mustard Seed Chapel International, Joseph ,

Norfolk Independent Visitors (cooking)

Norfolk Recorders (monthly on Saturdays, except August and October), Francis King, 01953 607016

Puppy training Fridays Isabella McBride

Pilates Mondays term time only Lindsay Rose 07813 776523

Quigong, (Wednesdays) Jasmine Hastings, 07969598205,

Seedlings Steiner toddler group Katie Harley

U3A Norwich
U3A Art Appreciation, Beverley Scott, 01603 618980
U3A Committee, David Herman, 07768 868334
U3A Recorders, Hilary Hammond, 01603 714497
U3A Needle craft

Wensum Arts Fridays John Madeley. 07788776351.


Last update April 2024

Hire and Bookings

Small room and kitchen – £8 per hour
Hall and kitchen – £10 per hour or £20 per hour for parties
Whole centre – £18 or £20 per hour for parties

Capacity Main hall: 65 sitting, Dancing (no furniture) 168 capacity
Small meeting room: 20


Invoice enquiries:



In 1977 a group of local people got together to raise funds to build a community centre for the new communities that were springing up around Eaton Park. Many of these people were the first to move into the new houses that were built off North and South Park Avenue. These tree-lined roads replace older housing stock, much of which was in poor condition.

With the funds raised and with support from Norwich City Council, the community centre opened in 1982. The Community Centre was run very successfully by the Eaton Park Residents Association until 2020 and the Covid Pandemic when the committee sadly resigned en masse.

Friends of Eaton Park worked with Norwich City Council staff to identify a way forward for the centre.  A new committee was established and close working relations with the Friends cemented at committee level and through a new Community Cycle Club partnership.