Today year three student volunteers from Bluebell Primary School walked to Eaton Park with Miss Davies and TA Mrs. Atkins.  Grey sky didn’t dampen their bright eager spirits as they happily assisted Eaton Park Ground Force volunteers plant crocus and narcissi bulbs.  Ground Force members turned over patches of soil on the grassy bank that slopes down to the Community Centre Car Park near the North Park Avenue walk-in entrance. Students sprinkled handfuls of bulbs into the open ground.

When student volunteers Molly and Lola were asked what was the best part of their activity, they agreed that it was the planting of bulbs.  The more difficult work was turning the soil back to cover the holes and stamping it in place.  Both were eager to bring their families to the park to show them what they had accomplished today.  They suggested that those who are impatient for the arrival of spring will just have to wait. Lola said, “It will turn spring and you’ll see us again when the bulbs bloom.”

Ceceile Strand, Friends of Eaton Park, 16 October 2015


Volunteers and children work together planting bulbs. The spring flowers will provide nectar for early insects.